…the heart of the faith community nursing movement,
Acting locally, inspiring globally
Welcome to the Westberg Institute for Faith Community Nursing website. The Westberg Institute, originally known as the International Parish Nurse Resource Center, has been proudly serving parish/ faith community nurses since 1986.Here you will find a wealth of information about the specialty practice of faith community nursing. As you visit the various information tabs, you will find information about the history of faith community nursing in the United states and around the world, educational offerings and events, resources for practice, and much more.
We also encourage you to also visit our sister website www.spiritualcareassociation.org/nursing where you will find a wealth of information about spiritual care in nursing practice and chaplaincy. Members of the Spiritual Care Association Nursing Division enjoy additional benefits and resources including discounts for educational offerings and the annual International Westberg Symposium.
Position Statements are a response by Westberg Institute to frequently asked questions and issues in Faith Community Nursing practice. Developed, edited, and revised by the Westberg Institute Research Committee, Position Statements are underpinned by Faith Community Nursing research and best practices and other literature in Nursing. Position Statements go through a Delphi review process before publishing and are revised routinely in order to provide current, best-practice guidance and information.
"When using information in part or in whole from the Position Statements on this website, use the citation format found at the end of the document."
The FCN knowledge sharing platform was created to provide a safe, private community for all faith community nurses and those interested in spiritual care in nursing with the ability to communicate electronically. The platform is free and community member emails are not shared or sold outside of the platform.
Nurses from around the world interact individually and through the many interest groups that make up the FCN Knowledge Sharing Platform. Joining is easy!
An invitation will be sent to your email (if you don't find it in your inbox, check your spam folder). Reply to the invitation and complete your profile. You may join any of the current groups or start a new group if you do not find a group that covers your specific interests. Be sure to join the announcements group to receive the latest information on activities, events, and topics for discussion.
For more Information and Registration, please click here.
The Westberg Institute provides one-on-one, group and organizational consultation. Continuing education opportunities for various aspects of FCN health ministry, along with live and online presentations, are available. Additional services include retreats for educators and coordinators and regional network meetings. To learn about regional events, see our events calendar.
To send an inquiry to the office, click here.
Various courses developed by faith community nursing practice experts and coordinated by the Westberg Institute are taught internationally by educational partners through hospitals, organizations, and networks.
Spiritual Care Association Nursing Division is accredited as a provider of nursing continuing professional development by the American Nurses Credentialing Center’s Commission on Accreditation.
Foundations of Faith Community Nursing is a 36.5-hour course focusing on the entry-level knowledge necessary for FCN practice. Its sections include spirituality, professionalism, wholistic health and community. This course fulfills the educational requirement for entry into practice in faith community nursing.
The FCN Coordinator Course equips FCNs in leadership and management positions to work with FCNs in various practice areas and networks. Leadership, funding, communications and documentation are included topics.
The Educator Course provides instruction by Westberg Institute staff on how to teach the Foundations of Faith Community Nursing course as an educational partner. The modified curriculum is available to international partners to fulfill the needs and customs of healthcare practices in various countries.
The Updates in Transitional Care Series assists the participant to discover best-practice, research-based methods to enhance the care of people experiencing transition from one level of care to another by encouraging collaboration between the hospital and faith community in order to encourage wholistic health. Transitional care enhances the patient discharge experience from hospital to home and strives to eliminate unnecessary hospital re-admissions.